

MyOtive makes it easy for users to set goals, track them, and compete with friends.

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You drink more beer than water? You don't do enough sports? You have no motivation to finally start with the tasks for the FH/Uni? Or you just don't feel like doing those annoying little things in everyday life for your health? You really need a website where you can find motivation to overcome all these laziness. Often the problem is that it is difficult to motivate yourself, so the motives of your friends could and should help.
To solve the above mentioned problems, you need MyOtive. This is a website where you can create and track your own daily or weekly goals. The goal itself is called Otive. Once it's set, your friends can see your progress for each Otive. It's not just about athletic goals, but also about improving your health and motivation for a wide variety of tasks. That's why the creation of an Otive is kept rather broad, in order to meet different goals. Thus, each user can achieve personal goals. When setting an Otive, you can choose between different ways of fulfilling the goal. For example, you can choose between reaching a number as goal, not reaching the number of goal (e.g. how many days I didn't smoke), selecting a certain period of time when you want to achieve your task or creating recurring Otives for each day or week.


    • Project Lead,
    • Frontend Development,
    • Backend Development,
    • Design,
    • Concept
    • Pascal Gottschling
    • Lead Design,
    • Frontend Development,
    • Backend development,
    • Concept
    • Sebastian Hinterauer