Arkbound is a singleplayer 3rd person space shooter, in which the player, a hightech alien Reapairrobot, must defend their last existing base, the ARK, from invading plundering bots.
Arkboundis a 3rd person 3D tower-defenseshooter in whichyouplayasthemaintenancerobot F.R.A.N.Z. F.R.A.N.Z. isthe last ofitskind, whichoncedominatedouterspace and builttheDysonspherecalled ARK, which F.R.A.N.Z. mustmaintain. In ordertoerasethe last remnant, foreignrobotsattackthe ARK todestroyits power source. As a maintenancerobot, F.R.A.N.Z. has limited combat power but canbuild a defensemechanismbycleverlyutilizingtheweapons at itsdisposal. By shootingthe smart weaponsintotheorbitofthe ARK, F.R.A.N.Z. cansimultaneouslycover all sides and givetheattackers a hard time. By collectingpartsfromdefeatedenemies, F.R.A.N.Z. canimproveitsweaponsas a maintenancerobot, allowingittowithstandtheever-increasingpressure. Can you, togetherwith F.R.A.N.Z., defendthe ARK and preservethe last homeof a mysteriouspastcivilization?
- Coding,
- Project Management,
- Game Design
- Jonas Kubesch
- Coding,
- Art,
- Game Design
- Thomas Mayr
- Art,
- Artistic Guidance & Consulting
- Jan Pscheidt